Author: dgoulet

  • Meet Mihaly, our new Support Group Leader for Southwestern Ontario!

    I know what you’re already thinking…terms like Ankylosing Spondylitis and Enteropathic Arthritis are hard enough to pronounce and this guy has a name that looks like hieroglyphics! It’s easy. It’s pronounced “Me-High Jur-X” , not so bad! I’ve been living with AS for basically my entire adult life. It’s been a painful, frustrating and sometimes…

  • World AS Day 2023

    World AS Day is an annual day dedicated to people with Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) globally. It will be recognized on Saturday May 6th this year.  On World AS Day, members of a number of countries organize activities around the world to raise awareness of Axial Spondyloarthritis and related conditions. Raising awareness Axial Spondyloarthritis affects millions…

  • Ontario Ministry of Health Expanding Safe Use of Biosimilars

    Ontario Ministry of Health Expanding Safe Use of Biosimilars

    Ontario is joining several other provinces and territories by expanding the use of biosimilar drug treatments for Ontarians. Starting March 31, 2023, Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) recipients who are on an originator biologic will begin to transition to a Health Canada approved biosimilar version of the drug at no cost. Ontarians receiving coverage under the…

  • Dernière chance pour donner et recevoir votre reçu fiscal 2022

    Nous espérons que vous profitez d’une belle saison des fêtes paisible et joyeuse. Si vous n’avez pas encore fait de contribution caritative à l’ACS ou à l’un de vos organismes de bienfaisance préférés cette saison, il est encore temps de le faire et de recevoir un reçu d’impôt de 2022. Les dons reçus en ligne…

  • Aidez-nous à aider les autres pendant la période des Fêtes

    La saison des fêtes est à nos portes et nous désirons vous envoyer nos meilleurs vœux ! Pour beaucoup de gens, c’est la période la plus merveilleuse de l’année. Mais pour certaines personnes, cette période de l’année est difficile. Pour certains, le temps des fêtes amplifie un sentiment de solitude et il peut alors être particulièrement…

  • Help us help others this holiday season

    The holiday season is upon us and we wish you all the best Season’s Greetings!   For many, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year”. But for some people, this time of year is tough. For some, the holidays amplify a sense of loneliness and it can be especially difficult to cope with the…

  • Meet the Board – The Mic is Yours!

    THE MIC IS YOURS! MEET THE CSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST Via Zoom: LINK It is my pleasure, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Spondylitis Association, to invite you to drop in and meet me, my fellow Board members and our Executive Director, for an hour…

  • AxSpA & AS Fact Sheets

    We have obtained these two resources for you to review and share on social media. Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) fact sheet Download this sheet here Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) Fact Sheet Download this sheet here

  • Joignez un groupe de soutien francophone avec Rodolphe!

    Nous formons un nouveau groupe de soutien français pour les personnes vivant avec la spondylarthrite! Notre nouveau chef de groupe de soutien, Rodolphe Vito, aimerait vous inviter le mardi 1er novembre à vous connecter et à partager avec d’autres membres de la communauté qui vivent avec la SA et d’autres formes de spondylarthrite dans une…

  • National Enteropathic Arthritis Day 2023

    November 19th is National Enteropathic Arthritis Day in Canada. This is the third year we acknowledge this special day. We have applied to illuminate several landmarks across Canada in EnA colors (purple).  Keep an eye out on this page for updated landmarks! Enteropathic arthritis is a spondyloarthritic condition and an invisible illness for many Canadians.…